Monday, February 25, 2013


Cinema Explorations
Mount Vernon Academy
Spring 2013
Mr. Olson
“I think cinema, movies, and magic have alwas been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.”
- Francis Ford Coppola, Director
“No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.”
- Ingrid Bergman, actress
Course Goals:
-       To develop an understanding and greater appreciation of the art and history of film
-       To position contemporary American and foreign film in its broader historical and cultural context
-       To study how the medium has been used to reflect or affect U.S. and world history
-       To acquire analysis skills to better understand cinema and the filmmakers’ intentions
70% - film viewing, which includes in-class assignments, quizzes, notes, participation, discussion and critiques of films
30% - Outside film critiques
-       Students are required to have a notebook or a section of a folder labeled Cinema Exploration for handouts and notes
Make-up Work
-       Attendance is critical for this class because most of the work we do involves watching films in class and in-class discussion of those films
-       Students are responsible for making up the viewing assignments they miss. Many of the films viewed are rare or obscure and hard to find. I will not be able to loan out copies of these films. If you miss a viewing of a film and the in-class assignment, you will need to schedule a time after school to watch it.
Class Participation
-       This course will not require regular homework. Most of the work we do will involve actively watching and discussing films. This means no sleeping or working on homework for another class. Film is a visual medium, so my expectation is that heads are up and eyes are on the screen. Also, all cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned of and put away.
Students who plagiarize writing will receive a 0 on the assignment and no participation points for the day. Copying another student’s work is cheating.

Mr. Olson’s Classroom Expectations
1.    Be on time
2.    Bring required materials with you: Your folder/notes, and something to write with.
3.    Things that are superfluous to scholarship stays out of sight! (Cell phones, iPads, other electronic devices, laptops, make-up and other grooming accouterments, work for another class, food)
4.    Be kind and respectful to everyone and everything – even when you don’t feel like it.
5.    One person speaks; the rest listen.
6.    Take care of personal business outside of clss
7.    Keep your head up and remain awake during class.

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